Bolt(on)ed at The Bridge..Watch Out Blues

Chelsea 4-3 Bolton
Fist of all apologies for a late post..been busy with an exam that didnt got too well..I got a little depressed but thanks to a walkng-talking human 'anti-depressant' Iam fine now...ok anyway the match..yeah we won..although I think Chelsea played for just the 70 minutes compared to Boltons 90..Complacency at its best..but as long as we win I dont the single most positive thing I picked from this game was Ballack!!He was superb..ok now if you feel Iam overstating matters then I have excuses..Its not everyday that you favourite player scores his first BPL goal..but even apart from the goal he was much better than usual..Lampard was his usual best and Drogba got two goals but Iam still sure that he'd be disappointed with his the difference when these two were taken off was so very obvious..Deco couldnt take a proper touch entire match..all I saw him doing was trying to kick the ball back above his head..Anelka well cant blame him too much..he was kind of isolated in the end..even after what happened I still support Hiddinks decision..he kept these two for he gave a chance to Deco and Anelka..
Ok now tonights match..I've seen a few Pool supporters saying that if Bolton can score three we have a decent chance..but then i dont know why they ignore the fact that we still scored FOUR..anyway Iam supremely confident of Hiddink outsmarting Rafa once again..A double here would be just revenge for what Scolari helped them do in the league..Now Terry's absent, but we've got Carvalho back..and I dont think many here would agree but if we take only the Defensive abilities in consideration I rate Carvalho above that means Alex and Cavalho as centre-halfs and Ashley Cole and Ivanovic on the sides..well actually I'd play Ivanovic in place of Alex and give the Right back spot to Mancienne..but yeah theres a reason Hiddinks the coach and not me..Gerrard WILL matter what..Iam completely sure..I guess they just made this a big story to make us feel more complacent..and perhaps they just used this injury to show people that Essien wasnt the reason Gerrard wasnt at his best..typical Rafa type mind-game..but Hiddink is no prediction 2-0 or 2-1 Chelsea..
Now the mangerial issue..see If Hiddink agrees to stay there'll be nothing like it..this guy is the coolest manager I've seen since JM..otherwise please "NO ANCELOTTI" or Ancelloti or I cant even imagine what the BPL would do a coach from the Serie A..Rijkaard would be better..but then still not convincing enough..ok perhaps I should just shut up..I found Scolari convincing..hah.